Saturday, April 21, 2007

Technology Expert: Zuoqi

Technology and its negative impact on the young

Technology has infiltrated every part of our lives. We are influenced greatly by the television and internet, even more so that any print media. A serious problem of technology is “gaming”. Thousands of teenagers have been affected by online gaming and this has many negative impacts on their health and lives. Gaming is very addictive especially with the young who have yet learnt self-control. My point is substantiated in the news article whereby a study was done by Professor Mark Griffiths, of Nottingham Trent University. The results from a poll of 7,000 online gamers showed that one in nine fulfilled the criteria of addiction. Addictive signs include craving, withdrawal symptoms, loss of control and other negative consequences. These pose serious problems and affect the lives of addicted gamers greatly.

The internet and television also broadcast unhealthy messages to the young. This is a serious problem especially with the internet as teenagers often stumble unwillingly onto sites which showcase improper information. More than eight out of 10 parents want tougher laws against online pornography, a survey carried out by the London School of Economics claims. This is significant because it shows that the internet has a negative influence on the young. This is detrimental as misuse of the internet will have a negative impact on their education and employment opportunities later in their lives.

I feel that proper use of technology needs to be taught to the young by parents, schools and their elders. Children need to be educated and strictly monitored be it the amount of time spent on gaming or restricting the web pages they are allowed to surf. However, parents must remember not to go overboard when monitoring their children. Technology, if used correctly, will be beneficial to the young.

Article Sources:

“Online gamers addicted says study”

Parents 'want tougher net laws'

Siddy goes global
@ 2:27 AM

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Technological Expert: (Goh Zuo Qi)
Technology shrinks the world. You willing be looking into areas from the Internet to Nuclear Missiles, and their impact on the world.

Technology and its impact on Education

The Internet has been around for about two decades and it has begun expanding its role into education. The internet has its pros and cons. It provides an opportunity to broaden learning choices for teachers and students in schools.

In Singapore, the use of internet among students and teachers alike is common. A good example is our very own IP programme, TAIP (Temasek academy integrated programme). We make use of our “Tablet-PCs” for research and other learning purposes. We also employ software like the GSP to construct mathematical graphs and the Knowledge Constructor (KC) to structure our discussions in class. We are able to present more effectively with Microsoft Power Point and research more in-depth with the internet’s vast resources. Research is much more efficient with search engines like Google organizing articles with the latest and most relevant information for you.

In 2004, Britain schools got to get £25m extra to spend on new technology. The funds would go towards interactive white boards, which replace traditional blackboards with internet and video displays. This is a positive example whereby technology aids learning. Also, the £900m would be spent on improving internet access, such as introducing broadband connections by 2006. This shows that the technology has a positive impact on schools and learning.

In conclusion, I feel that technology’s impact on education is positive. Technology speeds up communication, and enables us to access boundless of up-to-date information in an instant. We learn much more compared to plain textbooks and broaden our view of the world. However, the internet is “uncensored” and can spread negative messages. Hence, it must be employed with caution and proper guidance on usage by teachers.

News Article Source:

“£25m extra for schools technology”

Siddy goes global
@ 2:21 AM

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

iPod is a brand of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple, and globalization has resulted in these players being distributed all over the world. Apple is based in the United States but the iPods are available for sale in many different countries all around the world, Singapore included. Ask anyone on the streets and almost everyone will know what an iPod is and so many people own one themselves. It was announced on 9 April 2007 that the one millionth iPod had been sold, making it the biggest selling digital music player of all time, and it was announced in April 2007 as well that 32% out of the US$5.2billion made from the second quarter earnings came from the sale of the iPods. Globalization has allowed iPod to be available in stores worldwide and thus boosted the sale of the media players because it is sold on such a large scale and it is so commercialised.

- Vivian

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. It is the result of

This increasing global connectivity can be seen from the vending machine in TJC! It sells Evian bottled water from the French Alps. We can see the increasing levels of trade between different parts of the world and that even a product from the West can reach our tiny island. The liberalization of world markets together with advancements in technology and communcations results in globalization!

Zuoqi :)

Siddy goes global
@ 5:51 AM

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About Us

Siddy Goes Global!

Welcome to our blog :)

We are a group of students from Temasek Academy, 2E/06, and as experts of the various aspects of globalization, we hope you will learn more about globalization through our posts.

Zuoqi - Technological Expert

Vivian - Economic Expert

Eadelin - Environmental and Health Expert

Nicholas - Cultural Expert

Siddharth - Political Expert

Feel free to look around!

Constructive comments are appreciated (:

A Global Affair

Those conversations


March 2007
April 2007
May 2007